Monthly Archives: April 2014

Frohe Ostern!

It’s Easter time and in the Oktoberfest Brisbane families’ households this means chocolate, chocolate and more CHOCOLATE!!

Easter time in Germany generally marks the true beginning of spring and families often have the first chance of the year to spend time in their gardens or go for long walks and enjoy the fresh air without having to put on 5 layers of clothing! German families all have their Easter traditions – Easter-egg-hunting in the house and the garden, Easter nests (nests filled with chocolate and other Easter-themed gifts), Easter themed arts and crafts and a breakfast tradition of “Ostereier-ticken” where two hard-boiled eggs are hit against each other and the person’s egg which doesn’t break wins!

Our favourite traditions of Easter are definitely the Easter-egg hunt and the arts and craft! In Germany parents like to be particularly tricky when hiding their Easter eggs, sometimes hiding them so well that you’ll end up finding an Easter egg at Christmas time in the vintage coffee grinder (nice one mum!).

When it comes to Easter themed arts and crafts there really is no limit. One of the all-time favourite activities for all ages is decorating eggs – it can be a little bit tricky, but is definitely a lot of fun! You start by pricking two holes opposite each other in a raw egg, then using a toothpick you make the bottom hole 2-3mm in diameter and prick a hole into the egg yolk. Next, you blow on the top as hard as you can and all of the egg white and yolk should come out and let the empty egg shells dry out in the sun. Once they’ve dried out, the egg shells can be decorated in any way you like. To hang the eggs up, you attach a small piece of wood (such as part of a toothpick) onto the end of a piece of thread, push the wood into the larger hole in the egg shell and then lightly pull on the thread. A handy hint is to keep the egg containers – they’re great to put the egg shells in when drying and even better for storing your beautifully decorated eggs in until next year!easter_egg_decorating_ideas2

We hope you all have a lovely Easter break with your loved ones and most importantly, lots of chocolate!

Bis bald!

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